The Public Offering Committee, designated by theNational Executive and responsible for carrying out the method for allocating blocks of frequencies in the radio spectrum, for the implementation of networks and advanced mobile communication services, received from the operators: Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A., Telefónica Venezolana C.A., Multiphone Venezuela, C.A. and Galaxy Entertainment de Venezuela C.A. (DirecTV) the technical, economic and legal collections with the conditions of their respective offers.
The allocation process of these portions of spectrum will enable the deployment of services and wireless broadband networks, also known as fourth generation technologies (4G). 4G technology will offer to Venezuelans faster access and better quality of Internet, voice and data services, while decongesting existing networks with the better distribution of traffic demand between 2G and 3G users, which will significantly raise the quality of telecommunications services in Venezuela.
The deployment of this technology will impact on various aspects of the national economy. First, it is estimated that the infrastructure investment of public and private operators during the next five years will exceed 2 billion dollars, contributing to generate the local employment, and estimated revenues to the National Treasury for assignment spectrum over 3 billion bolivars.
Democratization of Access
One of the operator requirements for possible award of spectrum portions is the commitment of equitable distribution of national coverage, which stipulates that 4G technology will be available in the 20 most populous municipalities for the first year of operation and the obligation that all the Capital of the Venezuelan States will enjoy the service at the end of the fourth year. This will ensure that the operators cover at least 100 municipalities, representing more than 75 percent of the population.
Another point is the obligation that the adjudicated operators will assume to offer free wireless Internet in public places (parks, schools, libraries and universities) which will be defined under the guidelines of the National Executive, and its performance will be monitored remotely by CONATEL.
The State expects to announce the result of this public offer, whereby the corresponding portions of the spectrum will be awarded to two blocks of frequencies in the 1710-2170 MHz band, and four blocks of frequencies in the band 2500-2690 MHz, for last quarter of this year.